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Importance of Physical Education


Importance of PE for Children and Students

Importance of Physical Education!. Physical education is essential to the development of motor skills and the enhancement of reflexes in students, as well as good body movement which helps in the development of a healthy body posture.
There are many benefits students receive from physical education classes that become students, responsible adults aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle.Physical education develops confidence in students to take part in physical activities both in and out of school. A quality PE curriculum promotes all students to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activities.
Physical education is a very important part of a healthy living for people of all age groups, especially those going to school because school life is full of stress and anxiety at every stage.

Why Need Physical Education?

The short beginning of any person’s career starts with student life. If his mind and body are healthy, he will learn more and more and try to know more and develop himself.
All this is possible when both his mind and body are healthy, and all this comes from physical education. Following are some benefits of physical education.
  • Regular Fitness Activity
Physical fitness is a very important component to leading a healthy lifestyle. The regular fitness activity helps students to maintain muscular strength and improves cardiovascular health, improves the absorption of nutrients by the body and improves the digestive system.
  • Important for Healthy Growth
In today’s world, many school children eat junk foods. These may include the fries, soda drinks, pizzas and burgers. Consuming these on a daily basis can lead to a childhood obesity.Physical education at school helps students to reduce weight by burning extra calories through physical activities.
Plus, Physical activities play an important role in the healthy growth and development of bones.
  • Skill Development
Physical education develops motor skills which allow for safe, successful and satisfying participating in physical activities. It is important for the development of healthy body posture.
  • Self-Discipline
Physical education facilitates the sense of self-discipline in students about health and fitness. Playing different games in physical education teaches students about teamwork, problem solving, collaboration and many other social aspects that they can bring to the workplace or classroom.
School is a mini society and physical education develops self-discipline in students through appropriate curriculum and activities to move on in society.
  • Builds Self-Confidence
Physical education develops confidence in students. By using wide range of skills students become independent, confident and self-controlled. The participation in physical education puts a positive impact on a student’s personality, character and self-esteem.
  • Relieves Stress
High school students have a lot of stress due to curriculum, homework, families or exams pressures. Doing sports activities or other forms of physical fitness offer a method of stress relief which becomes an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety, and facilitates emotional stability and resilience.
  • Healthy Mind
The development of mind and body begins in early childhood, so physical education is very important for children. If mind is worried we cannot do any work with the whole mood, due to which we get a failure.
It is very important to have a healthy and calm mind in student life. Focusing only on school work can make their life boring which can cause depression and failure, so it is very important to give physical education to students.
If the mind starts to be restless, then in such a situation, we must have knowledge to keep our mind calm through physical education. In short, we can keep our mind healthy by getting physical education.
  • Focusing and Decision making
Several studies show that physical activities maintain brain’s capability of focusing (Basal Ganglia) which is a part of brain. Physical activities enhances a person’s ability to concentrate and maintain focus.
Physical education make the students clear in their minds. They develop a huge variety of skills and the ability to use the strategies and compositional ideas to perform successfully. When they are performing, they look at the situation, analyse it and make the decision.


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