Benefits of Having Cats, It is scientifically proved that having a furry roommate is extremely good for you. Even watching cat videos or pictures can boost a person’s energy and create positive emotions.
Cats are good for Heart
Owning a cat is good for your heart. Patting a cat has a positive calming effects on your mood. Cats amazingly lower your stress level, and lower the amount of anxiety in your life. One study found that cat owners had 30 percent less risk of heart diseases including stroke.
Cats purr in your lap. Purring surprisingly wash away a lot of tough thoughts from your mind and soothes the soul. Cat’s purring lowers the blood pressure. Petting a cat lowers the blood pressure by about 10 basis points.

Cats Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Cats help to reduce stress and anxiety and enhance a positive attitude while reducing negativity and boost energy. Having a cat around you actually releases chemicals from your body which lowers the stress and anxiety level. If you spend anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes per day with your cat like cuddling, playing or just hanging out, your mood might get a boost and you will feel relax.

You’ll Sleep Better
Cats help you to get a peaceful sleep. When you go to bed and your cat cuddles up to you, you will sleep more soundly. People prefer to sleep with their cats, and they even report sleeping better. According to some medical researches, sleeping with a cat could offer a sense of security and aid in relaxation Read More.....
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