Owning a Rabbit: Rabbits are small mammals with fluffy short tail. There are more 30 species in the world. Rabbits and hares are in the same taxonomic family, Leporidae, but in different groups.
Rabbits are very sharp and quick, run in a zigzag pattern at the speed of 29 km/h. Rabbits are wonderful indoor pets. They are adorable and full of personality with distinctive long ears. A male rabbit is called a buck, a female is doe, and young rabbit is a kit or kitten.
Rabbits are very social and make special bonding with their owners. Rabbits can be a wonderful and energetic pet for children and adults alike. They come in many different breeds like Lionhead, mini lop, mini Rex, rex, lop, Dutch, English spot and hotot.
Domesticated pet rabbits and wild cottontail rabbits are technically different species even though they are distant relatives and from the same animal group. Per rabbits are called Oryctolagus cuniculus, while wild rabbits are Lepus Sylvaticus.
Rabbits are fascinating as well as complex animal with many characteristics, so we have put together them to help you learn about your beautiful furry pet.
Rabbits are in different sizes, not all are cute and tiny. Some rabbits are as big as a size of cat, and some can grow as a toddler. Small rabbits, such as Pygmy rabbits are small in size of 8 inches, and their weight is less than a pound. Large rabbits, such as Flemish Giant Rabbits grow up to 22 inches and more than 4.5 kilograms in weight makes them world’s largest breed.

Rabbits usually breed three to four times each year. The average size of a rabbit litter is between 4 and 12 kittens but only 15 percent of baby rabbits reach to their first birthday. Pregnancy period fall in 30 days.
Male rabbits can reproduce at the age of 7 months, and females as early as 4 months. This means a female can produce almost 800 children, grandchildren and great grandchildren in one year. Rabbits have become a symbol of fertility in many cultures and religions.Read More....
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