Cat Personality, The cat is a small hunting mammal. It is the only private species in the family Felidae and often referred to as the domestic cat to differentiate it from wild members of the family. The cat is either a house cat or a farm cat, which are pets or a feral cat. Almost 60 cat breeds are present in the world.
Here are some aspects of Cat Personality.
01: Cats Love to Eat Fresh Food
Will you dive into a big plate of spoiled food at dinnertime? Of course not. The same thing goes for your cat. Rotten and spoiled food not only taste bad, it can develop different types of bacteria also.
Whenever you serve your cat’s food according to Cat Personality, make sure to check the expiration dates on both wet and dry food. Always offer your cat a variety of food such as fresh or cooked meat or fish. Cats love to eat fresh, nutritious and safe meals.

02: Cats Love to Sleep
It’s no secret that cats love to take naps. Cats are nocturnal animal, they spend most of their time in sleeping. They are active in twilight and spend much of the late morning and afternoon to sleep. Cats sleep an average of fifteen to twenty hours a day. Kittens and senior cats spend more time to sleep than young cats.
Cats sleep, take rest and prepare themselves for hunting. Hunting requires energy, so sleep is needed to conserve energy and recharge for the next hunt. Your cat may be domesticated and eat the cat food but biological impulse goes on.Read More....................

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