Coronavirus is a kind of common virus belongs to a group of viruses that causes diseases in mammals, including humans and birds also. These viruses are zoonoses means can be transmitted to humans from animals. In cows and pigs they may cause diarrhea, while in chicken it causes an upper respiratory illness.
In humans, the virus causes cold and respiratory infections (in nose, sinuses or upper throat) which are typically mild and not dangerous but in rare cases can be fatal. Coronavirus got this name from its crown-like shape. MERS(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) both are types of coronaviruses came from animals. The original host for both viruses was probably bats.

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s, but it’s not confirmed where they come from. In 2003, 774 people died. This virus appeared in 2012 in Saudi Arabia from infected camels and then in other countries in Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe.About 858 have died in Middle East from respiratory syndrome (MERS). In April 2014, the first American was hospitalized, infected from coronavirus in Indiana and another case was reported in Florida. In May 2015, there was the huge outbreak of (MERS) in Korea.
In late December 2019, Chinese Health Authorities reported to the World Health Organization, a group of patients infected from viral Pneumonia in Wuhan. In early January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) identified a new type: 2019 Novel Coronavirus in China and reported300 confirmed cases and death count was 80. At the time of reading this article, 2744 confirmed cases were reported,of which 1423 cases were in Hubei and death count has reached 106 in allover China.
Thailand 8, Hong Kong 8, United States 5, Taiwan 5, Australia 5, Macau 5, Singapore 4, japan 4, South Korea 4, Malaysia 4, France 3, Canada 2, Vietnam 2, Nepal and Cambodia each have reported 1 case of coronavirus.

Still we don’t know how dangerous the new coronavirus is, while unlike flue there is no vaccine for this virus, which means it is more difficult and risky. Coronavirus causes pneumonia. Infected people reported to suffer coughs, fever, chest pain and shortness of breath and some non-respiratory symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Many people recover within a few days but elder people or who have weak immune systemmay experience serious infection and organ failure.

Scientists are working hard to understand this virus but currently, Antibiotics and antiviral drugs do not work against this particular coronavirus. People who are admitted in hospital, may get support for their lungs and other organs.
People in poor health are at great risk or if you have recently travelled to China or contact with infected people, then you should treat cough or cold symptoms. You can treat the virus with rest and over-the-counter medication, as it can cause middle ear infection in children.
How it spread?
Coronavirus usually spreads through droplets containing large particles that typically can only held in the air for three to six feet before disappearing. Some coronaviruses also have been found in the suspected patient’s stool.
Animal to human and human to human transmission has been confirmed. Infected persons may spread the virus by coughs, sneezes, or by touching an infected person’s hand & face or by touching the things that infected people have touched.
To protect yourself, wash your hands properly and keep away from infected people, especially if you feel unwell. Keep your throat moisturized, you’re your membrane gets dry the virus enters in your body within 10 minutes.
Drink Luke warm water frequently in small quantity. Increase intake of Vitamin C. Get the flu vaccine which will decrees the health risks. Avoid to go to rushy areas or public transport, if necessary then wear mask.

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